International Health Insurance for Businesses

Comprehensive health coverage is a must when it comes to what a company must provide for its workers. It not only shows that they care, but it has the potential to increase worker's performance and loyalty to the company. 

More and more companies are betting on remote working with teams from different parts of the world. 

How do you provide the same benefits to everyone? Easy! Medical insurance with global coverage can make the difference and turn your company into an attractive option for local and foreign talent. 

Regardless of whether or not your company has remote workers, international medical insurance offers ample benefits and advantages which sometimes you can't find in the local offer. 

With just 5 workers, you can sign up for a company insurance plan, starting at just $80 per person!

Quote International Health Insurance for Businesses

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They achieve higher retention rates

Increased compromise from workers & collaborators

Fewer medical leaves due to early access to health services

Tax optimization

Why should I hire insurance with


☑️ You can find and hire the best alternative for you and your family.

☑️ It is completely free. You will find the same value as hiring it directly with the company, but adding all the IH after-sales service.

☑️ We work with all insurers. You will have the best alternatives to quote and compare.