Healthcare System in Australia: everything you need to know / Health System and Medical Insurance / Australia

How does the healthcare system work?

The Australian healthcare system is one of the best in the world. It provides its citizens with free and high quality public health care.

There are two systems, the public system called Medicare, which is almost entirely subsidized by the government, and the private system, in which the affiliate must cover the costs, although in some cases there is also government assistance.

The Medicare plan provides medical services in public hospitals, and also covers the cost of medicines. All citizens pay 2% of their salary to fund public health care. This system is available to Australian citizens, New Zealanders and permanent residents of Australia. It can also cover visitors from countries with reciprocal agreement. These countries are: Belgium, Italy, Finland, Malta, Netherlands, Slovenia, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Ireland.

It is estimated that half of all Australians have a private health plan. There are a number of incentives for people who can afford to pay for it, as it takes pressure off them and avoids the collapse of the public system. Another reason is that the public system does not cover dental care, vision care, or ambulance services.

Individual citizens earning more than $90,000, or families with a combined income of more than $180,000, have incentives from the government to join the private system. If they choose not to do so, they must pay an additional 1-1.5% to the public system.

Because of the size of the country, it is difficult to access health centers throughout the country. Patients in rural areas tend to have more difficulty accessing health centers compared to those in urban areas. 

What should I know as a foreigner visiting Australia?

Non-resident foreigners visiting Australia are responsible for covering their own medical expenses. This includes those arriving on temporary work visas. Depending on the amount of time you plan on staying in the country, you should choose wether to have travel insurance or an International health insurance. If you are going for a short vacation, a couple of days or weeks, the best option is to hire a travel insurance plan that will cover for the duration of your trip.

However, if you are planning on moving to Australia for more than a year, an international health insurance plan has everything you need to cover any medical expense and emergency situation that might occur. 

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How do I access a health center in Australia?

If you are going to reside in Australia for more than 6 months, the recommendation is that you register in a specific medical center. Look for one close to the place where you are going to live.

There you will be assigned a general practitioner(GP) who will keep your medical record and take care of you during your stay. This doctor can also refer you to a specialist if required.

For evening and weekend care, there are after-hours clinics. You can also request an after hours doctor at the following link.


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What do I do if I have an emergency in Australia?

If you are having a medical emergency, go to the nearest emergency room. However, be aware that ambulance or air rescue costs are very high, so it is important to have health insurance if you don’t want to have to pay the whole price.

The emergency hotline is 000 and 112. If you require police, firefighter or an ambulance, the operator will transfer you to the service you require and provide them with your location.


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How do pharmacies operate in Australia?

For the most part, cost of medicines is included in the Medicare program. This means that people enrolled in the public system can get their medications at reduced prices. For people who require large amounts of medication throughout the year, regardless of their income, the government's PBS program helps to reduce the costs of these medications.

If you wish to enter the country with medication, you must bring your prescription and the original box including all the details. You may bring in with you a maximum of three-months supply of any medication.

If you are going to buy the medicines locally, you can go to a  pharmacy where you will find ones that require prescriptions and others that do not. In supermarkets you can find complementary or alternative medications that do not require a prescription. Finally, the hospital where you are being treated can also prescribe and provide the medication. 


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Requirements to enter Australia

After keeping its borders closed for a long period due to Covid-19, Australia is once again open to everyone.

It is not required to show a negative Covid test or proof of vaccination to enter Australia. However, the recommendation is to check the requirements of the airline and the countries you will be going through prior to arrival in the country.

Sebastián RamírezQP Publishing

Content Creator at QPTech. Generating dynamic and entertaining content to help you become familiar with different healthcare systems around the world.


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