Healthcare System in Chile: everything you need to know / Health System and Medical Insurance / Chile

In Chile, all people must allocate 7% of their taxable salary to health. This amount is intended to finance a first layer of protection, which can be granted by the public or private system depending on the income and preferences of each person.

In the public sector there is the National Health Fund (Fonasa) which provides all its members with the same plan but with four defined sections depending on their income level. These sections (A,B,C and D) indicate the coverage that this plan will finally give you. Here care is preferential in public facilities such as hospitals or health centers.

On the other hand, in the private sector there are Health Insurance Institutions (Isapre), entities that provide medical coverage to their members depending on the benefits indicated in the plan they hire. Here the attention is oriented to private clinics.

Also, there is the possibility of accessing a second layer of protection, through health insurance that anyone, whether in Isapre or Fonasa, can contract to improve their health costs. The most quoted are complementary insurance, dental insurance and high-cost care insurance, such as catastrophic or oncological.

How does the system work for expats?

Foreigners who come to Chile to work or study have access to the public or private healthcare system as long as they have legal residence and pay the corresponding taxes. If they come for tourism or for a short period of time, they must have a health insurance plan that provides coverage in Chile. 

However, for long stays, in order to register in the public or private healthcare system, foreigners must get an identification number, commonly known as RUT.  In order to obtain the identity card, the procedure is done through the Civil Registry and Identification Service, where foreigners can first verify if they are qualified to obtain it. To access an insurance plan quickly, Isapres (private sector) offers a temporary identification number that allows foreigners to enter the system while they carry out the ID card procedure. 

Once registered, all the information provided above also applies to foreign residents. 


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Health Centers

In Chile, there is access to health centers all throughout the national territory. However, the best clinics are located in the capital city of Santiago. Among the best clinics are the Clinica Las Condes, Clinica Alemana, Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, among others. In the following link there is a list of the best clinics in the country. 

What can I do if I have an emergency in Chile?

During an emergency, in case of requiring emergency medical attention or transfer by ambulance to a medical center, it can be requested by dialing 131 from any mobile or landline phone for free. This service is provided by the Emergency Medical Care Service (SAMU), and as a public institution, it has the obligation to attend to any person who requires medical attention, regardless of whether or not they have Fonasa, Isapre or any medical insurance. 

The SAMU will stabilize the patient, and decide if they require transfer to a medical center. However, if the patient is not affiliated to an Isapre or has medical insurance and cannot pay for medical expenses, they cannot be referred to a private clinic, only a public health health center.

If the patient is already affiliated with an Isapre, it is preferable to call directly the emergency service of their clinic or hospital of choice if they require an ambulance or any emergency medical assistance.

Other emergency phone lines:

  • Police #133
  • Firefighters #132
  • Investigations Unit #134



How do pharmacies operate in Chile?

According to Chilean legislation, pharmacies are considered health centers. Therefore, they have permission to carry out health procedures and manage the rational use of medicines in health care. 

They all have at least one pharmacist who verifies that prescriptions are delivered in accordance with the respective legal provisions imposed by the Ministry of Health. 

Part of the establishment is for pharmaceutical products and food for medical use. In general, they also sell hygiene and beauty products.

The medicine market is concentrated in three main pharmacy chains, Cruz Verde, Salcobrand and Ahumada, with stores throughout the country.


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Fonasa Zero Copay

Recently, Chilean president Gabriel Boric announced a new plan called “Copago Cero” for Fonasa (public system). This plan,which came into effect on September 1st, 2022, allows around 15 million people who are affiliated with Fonasa to receive treatment at any Family Health Center, hospital or any other facility that is part of the public network for free.

For affiliates who want to get medical attention in the private healthcare system, they must continue paying the corresponding bonus for the service. 

Vaccines to enter Chile 

According to the Ministry of Foreign Relations, there are currently no vaccines or medical examinations required to enter Chile. 

How to get a vaccinated in Chile

Chile has been recognized worldwide for its vaccination program against Covid-19. More than 92% of the population is fully vaccinated. However, tourists traveling to Chile can not get vaccinated in the country. The requirements to get vaccinated in Chile are to:

  • Have Chilean nationality
  • Have permanent residency
  • Have a resident visa
  • Have a student visa
  • Have a visa affiliated to to job contract
  • Have requested a temporal or permanent resident visa. 

Scheduling a medical appointment with Fonasa 

As a member of Fonasa, in order to schedule a medical appointment, enter the following link:

Enter the corresponding data and schedule an appointment. 

Scheduling a medical appointment with Isapre

Depending on the Isapre they are affiliated to, the patient must schedule the appointment directly with the corresponding health center or clinic, or with their family doctor. Enter the website of the clinic and schedule the appointment. 

International health insurance for Chile

In order to be covered against any potential medical expenses during a trip to Chile, it is important to have a health insurance plan that will cover any emergency. Go to: and find the best  international health insurance plans and travel insurance for your trip. 

Sebastián RamírezQP Publishing

Content Creator at QPTech. Generating dynamic and entertaining content to help you become familiar with different healthcare systems around the world.