Healthcare System in India: everything you need to know / Health System and Medical Insurance / India

How does the Indian healthcare system operate?

India is the second most densely populated country in the world. As such, it has one of the largest healthcare systems on the planet. This generates lots of challenges when it comes to providing quality services to its more than 1 billion inhabitants. However, and despite being basic, it provides free medical care to almost everyone. Infant mortality remains very high, even though they have managed to eradicate deadly diseases such as polio.

Public hospitals, with free care, are funded and run by the government. Due to the levels of corruption and inequality in India, people receive very basic care, and must wait long hours to be seen by a doctor. Many drugs and basic medical supplies are not available, so the state does not fulfill its statutory responsibility of providing decent health care to its residents.

Private health centers, which are not free, have reduced waiting times and better quality services. In general, those who receive care in the public system are those with fewer resources, while citizens with capacity to pay, attend the private sector.

However, due to the collapse of the public system, many inhabitants, even those without the ability to pay, seek care in private clinics as they see it as the only option to receive medical care. This leads many to go into debt in search of decent care.

How does the system work for foreigners?

The main recommendation if you are going to travel to India is to have medical insurance. Whether it is a travel insurance plan or an international medical insurance, it will allow you to get medical care in the best clinics in the country.

Due to the reduced costs of care in India, there is a lot of medical tourism. This means that tourists from countries such like the United States, where healthcare is very expensive, travel to India for surgeries and all kinds of procedures and pay a fraction of what they would pay in their home countries.

If you seek medical attention in the public system, you will have to wait a long time to be seen by a doctor, and the care you receive may not keep up with your standards. Therefore, having health insurance will save you a lot of hassle by allowing you to go to private clinics in case you need medical attention during your trip.

To see the best options in travel insurance and international medical insurance, visit where you can compare, quote and purchase the best insurance for your trip to India 100% online. 


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What do I do if I have an emergency in India?

The national emergency number is 112. If you need to call the police directly, dial 100, for firefighters 101 and for ambulances 102.

The ambulance service has a cost, and varies depending on the distance and the type of service required during transport. 


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How do pharmacies operate in India?

India is the leading supplier of non-prescription drugs in the world. Its main customer is the United States. There is a wide variety of pharmacy chains throughout the country where you can find prescription and non-prescription drugs.

If you want to enter the country with medicines, you must bring the translated prescription with the details of the medicine. 


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Entry Requirements

In order to enter India you must show a negative Covid-19 test taken at least 72 hours before your trip.

You must also present evidence of being fully vaccinated. To check which countries have vaccines approved by the Indian authorities, click on the following link

Sebastián RamírezQP Publishing

Content Creator at QPTech. Generating dynamic and entertaining content to help you become familiar with different healthcare systems around the world.


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