Healthcare System in Uruguay: everything you need to know / Health System and Medical Insurance / Uruguay

How does the Uruguayan healthcare system work?

Uruguay has one of the best healthcare systems in the world, the National Integrated Health System (SNIS). According to the Uruguayan constitution, health is an essential human right and a public good and the state is responsible of guaranteeing free medical care to any citizen who does not have the means to pay for it. The system is financed through state and mandatory contributions from workers and companies as well as general taxes.

Thus, those who have the means to pay must contribute to the financing of the system so that all citizens can receive care according to their needs and regardless of whether they can pay or not.

There is medical care provided in both public and private hospitals. About 37% of the population is treated in the public sector, which is run by the State Health Services Administration (ASSE). This system is for low-income people and is supported by the Universidad de la República, which offers care in its Hospital de Clínicas to members of this group.

For members of the armed forces and police, there are specific providers under the responsibility of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of the Interior. This group represents about 5% of the Uruguayan population.

The private system, which covers the remaining 56% of the population, is mainly managed by the Collective Medical Assistance Institutions (IAMC). These institutions have their own care units for social security beneficiaries, therefore they provide voluntary insurance to the population with the capacity to pay.


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How does the system work for foreigners?

If you are going to live permanently in Uruguay, you have access to the public or private system, depending on your ability to pay.  In order to join, you will have to present your identification document, which you can request at the following link. Additionally, you must have your proof of income and proof of residency, which can be requested at the following link.

If you are traveling to Uruguay for vacation, you must have health insurance with coverage in the country. This can be a travel insurance or an international health insurance, depending on the amount of time you are going to stay in the country.

To compare, quote and purchase the best health insurance with coverage in Uruguay, visit

What do I do if I have an emergency in Uruguay?

The emergency number for police and firefighters is 911. This number can be used for assistance from any of the units and also when there is an accident on the public road.

Through this number you will also receive medical attention in case you need it. However, if you have local health insurance, you can call directly to your health provider who can advise you and even send an ambulance.


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Sebastián RamírezQP Publishing

Content Creator at QPTech. Generating dynamic and entertaining content to help you become familiar with different healthcare systems around the world.


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