5 Things you shouldn't forget when traveling abroad

Is it your first time traveling abroad? It is totally natural and common to feel nervous and have some doubts and insecurities 🤔: how do I check in for my flight? How much time ahead should I arrive at the airport?

That is why today we’re going to help you by clearing out 5 things you cannot forget on your first international trip. ✈️✈️✈️


1 - How do I take money with me to another country?💰


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The first thing you always need to think about is what currency you should bring on your trip. If you’re located in Chile, for example, and you’re going to travel to Argentina, ask yourself what is more advantageous: carrying Chilean pesos, USD or exchanging money for Argentinian Pesos while you’re still in Chile. These are some things you should always take into consideration when traveling to another country.***

Besides worrying about the type of currency you need to bring, you have to think about how you’ll take that money with you safely. Some alternatives for this are:

✅ Prepaid card (always having the conversion rates in consideration);

✅Transfer through international services (Western Union, Global 66, Wise, etc);

✅ Debit card;

✅ Cash (wearing a travel fanny pack to keep it safe).

***Remember there are countries that, besides requiring you to have a certain amount of money with you, might ask you to take that money already converted to the local currency.

2  - Can I carry two pieces of luggage on my international trip? 🛄🛄


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This is a doubt many people have, and the thing is, it totally depends on the airline you’re traveling with, the destination and even the type of ticket you bought. It is common, for example, for aircrafts with destination Europe to allow their passengers to travel with up to two pieces of 23kg. 

You also have to remember that the amount of luggage allowed depends on the type of ticket you buy, which means “premium category” travelers are usually allowed to carry more pieces with them. 

Therefore, it is important for you to always verify with your company the characteristics of the luggage you can take with you (measurements, weight, amount of pieces), both as carry on and in hold. You can also buy space for additional luggage. 

Watch outquantity is an important topic when travelling on an airplane, not only regarding the amount of luggage you can take but also liquids! Many airlines do not allow items containing over 100ml. 


3 - How many hours ahead should I arrive at the airport? 🛫🏃


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In the case of international travels, it is recommended to arrive around 4 hours ahead, considering you’ll have to go through airport procedures like checking in, going through immigration, and others. 

Keep in mind this time frame doesn’t include transportation to the airport! Consider any inconveniences that might show up on your way to the airport, such as traffic, besides the usual transportation time. 


4 - Besides documentation, do I need to meet any other requirements? 🤔🖋️📋


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This is a very important and particular question, since it will depend both on the destination and the traveler 's profile. Therefore, these are some things you’ll have to consider:

✅ Check if your destination requires you to show proof of vaccination, or even proof of the amount of vaccination dose they consider for a full vaccination scheme;

✅ Just as they might require you to have certain vaccines, it is possible for them to require a PCR or antigen test for you to board the plane;

✅ Remember to verify if your destination requires you to get any kind of Visa;

✅ There are countries that might require you to show proof against the yellow fever, such as Paraguay and Colombia ask Brazilians for this proof. 


5  - Don’t forget to hire insurance with IH! 😉👌👏


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Whether you’ll be going on vacations or because you’ve decided to take the leap as a digital nomad, on InternationalHealth.com you’ll be able to find the best insurance options for you and your love ones. Hire your insurance today and travel safe and without worries.


Why should I hire Health Insurance at InternationalHealth.com?🏅

☑️ You can find and hire the best alternative for you and your family.

☑️ It is completely free. You will find the same value as hiring it directly with the company, but adding all the IH after-sales service.

☑️ We work with all insurers. You will have the best alternatives to quote and compare.


Updated to

Tuesday February 25, 2025

so that you are up to date.

Sofi MedinaQP Publishing

Content Creator - I write and edit relevant content to help you get informed about the Healthcare Systems across the world 😊