Medical treatment: The cheapest and most expensive countries
When traveling for tourism or to reside abroad, accidents and medical emergencies can occur at any time. Depending on the country you are in, an emergency procedure, an examination or even surgery can have very different costs.
There are countries where certain procedures may be cheaper than in your country of residence, however, this is generally not the case.
Regardless of your age, you should always travel with medical insurance when you leave your country. Even if you are a completely healthy person, there are situations that can arise unexpectedly.
Let's look at some countries and regions around the world to see which have the most expensive and cheapest medical care services.
Healthcare costs in the United States
The United States, one of the most popular destinations for travelers from all over the world, has the most expensive healthcare in the world. Anyone traveling to the U.S. without health insurance is exposing themselves to potentially spending thousands of dollars on health care if they have an accident or suffer an illness.
For example: a medical exam can cost between USD $50 and $200. A doctor's appointment can vary between USD $300 and $600 depending on the clinic and the state, a night in a clinic costs, on average, USD $3,000.
In other words, if you suffer an appendicitis during your trip, where you must receive immediate medical attention so that it does not turn into peritonitis, and you do NOT have medical insurance, the procedure could cost you between $10,000 and $35,000 USD. This is a very large range as it depends on the health center where you are treated and in which state you are located.
Healthcare costs in Europe
In certain European countries there are clinics that offer basic procedures free of charge for non-resident foreigners. However, if you do not have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), you will have to pay for medical care during your stay in Europe. If you have insurance, upon arrival in your country of residence you can get reimbursement.
According to Universal Assistance, a two-day hospital stay for pneumonia can cost up to USD 8,500 in Europe.
Procedure with the highest cost
Beyond surgeries or hospitalizations, the most expensive procedure in a medical emergency abroad is medical repatriation. Because, apart from the treatment you receive abroad, you will have to pay for the medical transfer back to your country of residence in case you need it. This process can cost up to USD 150,000 if it has to be done, for example, from Europe to a South American country.
Medical Tourism
A term you may not have heard of is medical tourism or health tourism, which refers to people who travel to another country for medical treatment. This may be because the health services are of very low quality in their home country, but generally it is because the services are much cheaper.
Canada has been leading the list of the most popular countries for medical tourists for many years. Also on the list are Israel, Singapore and the United Kingdom. What these countries have in common is the quality of their healthcare services. They offer first-rate care at a much more affordable price than other countries.
Since the services are cheaper, the patient can hire cheaper health insurance that will reimburse him/her for all the care they receive abroad.
What options do you have to cover these costs?
It's very important to know what type of health insurance you should hire, and this will depend, among other things, on the length of time you are planning to stay abroad.
For vacations, which last typically a few days or three months maximum, the best option is travel insurance. These insurances cover medical expenses, loss of luggage and valuables and even reimbursement for missed flights.
However, if you are going to study or work for an indefinite period of time outside your country of residence, the best option is to hire an international health insurance plan. These insurances have up to 100% coverage for hospitalization, medical appointments, high-cost procedures such as cancer treatments and even medical repatriation.
If you wish to use your health insurance to receive treatment at private clinics in other countries, be sure to check that the plan you are going to hire offers coverage in the center you are going to visit.
Where can you purchase health insurance for your next trip?
At you will find the entire offer in the travel and international insurance market. By entering the page you can compare, quote and hire the best insurance depending on your profile and budget.
Click on the following link and purchase your travel insurance today:
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Tuesday February 25, 2025
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