What countries can I visit with my Brazilian passport, without a Visa?
Even though the Brazilian passport isn’t the strongest one, it allows Brazilian citizens to visit many countries exempt from a Visa requirement. Can you imagine the amount of destinations you could visit only with a valid passport?
Why does the Brazilian passport allow you to enter some countries without a Visa?
Being exempt from needing a Visa means you do not have to process one in order to enter another country. This can happen either because of a bilateral treaty, because your country belongs to a certain group or region, like Mercosur, or other reasons. Besides not needing a Visa, you’ll be able to visit some countries only by presenting your identity card (RG, for its portuguese initials).
Nonetheless, this does not mean that you won’t have to meet other migratory requirements, such as filling forms, proving economic solvency and hiring health insurance.
What countries can I visit without a Visa?
➡️Since the list is quite big, we simplified the information by categorizing the countries by continents. 🌍✈️🛄

✈️ Germany
✈️ Austria
✈️ Belgium
✈️ Bulgaria
✈️ Croatia
✈️ Denmark
✈️ Slovakia
✈️ Slovenia
✈️ Spain
✈️ Finland
✈️ France
✈️ Georgia
✈️ Greece
✈️ The Netherlands
✈️ Hungary
✈️ Ireland
✈️ Iceland
✈️ Italy
✈️ Liechtenstein
✈️ Luxembourg
✈️ Monaco
✈️ Norway
✈️ Poland
✈️ Portugal
✈️ United Kingdom
✈️ Czech Republic
✈️ Romania
✈️ San Marino
✈️ Serbia
✈️ Sweden
✈️ Switzerland
✈️ Turkey
✈️ Ukraine
✈️ Vatican City
FYI: For most of the countries mentioned above, more specifically those belonging to the Schengen Area, Brazilians are allowed to stay as a tourist for as long as 90 days, by identifying themselves with their passport.
South, North and Central America

✈️ Argentina
✈️ Bahamas
✈️ Barbados
✈️ Belice
✈️ Bolivia
✈️ Chile
✈️ Colombia
✈️ Costa Rica
✈️ Dominica
✈️ El Salvador
✈️ Ecuador
✈️ Granadinas
✈️ Guatemala
✈️ Guyana
✈️ Haití
✈️ Honduras
✈️ Jamaica
✈️ Nicaragua
✈️ Panama
✈️ Paraguay
✈️ Peru
✈️ Dominican Republic
✈️ Saint Lucia
✈️ San Cristóbal
✈️ Surinam
✈️ Trinidad and Tobago
✈️ Uruguay
✈️ Venezuela

✈️ Australia
✈️ Fiyi
✈️ Micronesia
✈️ Nauru
✈️ New Zealand
✈️ Palaos
✈️ Samoa
✈️ Tonga
✈️ Tuvalu

✈️ Armenia
✈️ Kazajistán
✈️ Chipre
✈️ United Arab Emirates
✈️ Philippines
✈️ Georgia
✈️ Hong Kong
✈️ Indonesia
✈️ Maldives
✈️ Israel
✈️ Macao
✈️ Malaysia
✈️ Mongolia
✈️ Russia
✈️ Singapour
✈️ Thailand
✈️ Turkey

✈️ South Africa
✈️ Botswana
✈️ Seychelles
✈️ Morocco
✈️ Namibia
✈️ Senegal
✈️ Tunisia
Additional requirements
Even though the above mentioned countries do not require visas, it is common to run into other requirements such as:
- PCR test and/or complete Covid-19 Vaccination Scheme
- Hotel reservation or invitation card
- Return ticket
- Economic solvency proof
- Health or Travel Insurance
Keep in mind: information regarding visa requirement dates 02/14/2023 and is, therefore, subject to change. Don’t forget to visit your local embassy’s website to avoid any troubles.
Speaking of Health Insurance…
We are aware that, even though unwanted, it isn’t uncommon to have trouble during a trip, right? And those situations can become even more complex when they involve health issues. Therefore, either your on a short travel or staying abroad for a long period of time, it is recommended to count with travel or health insurance.
And that's where we can help!
On InternationalHealth.com you’ll be able to compare, quote and hire the best travel or international health insurance for your next adventure.
Why should I hire Health Insurance at InternationalHealth.com?🏅
☑️ You can find and hire the best alternative for you and your family.
☑️ It is completely free. You will find the same value as hiring it directly with the company, but adding all the IH after-sales service.
☑️ We work with all insurers. You will have the best alternatives to quote and compare.
Updated to
Tuesday February 25, 2025
so that you are up to date.