BMI Insurances

Quote for the best BMI International Health Insurance and ensure your global coverage by hiring the ideal plan for you online.

BMI boasts over 48 years of experience and a trajectory in the international insurance market, exclusively dedicated to Latin America and the Caribbean.

Currently, it has millions of clients throughout Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, and Asia, with over 1 trillion dollars in benefits paid to its insured worldwide.


Why choose BMI's International Medical Insurance


Due to its continuous expansion strategy, the company has global presence and offers its clients a 24/7 customer service with multilingual operators.

With a philosophy focused on providing the best service and tailor-made solutions for its insured, BMI offers a broad portfolio of high-quality products and services, standing out with a high level in life insurance, health insurance, and travel assistance.

24/7 Support

Support 24 hours a day, 7 days of the week, with multilingual phone operators ready to help you, with no additional costs and from anywhere in the world.


Second Medical Opinion

It will help you confirm your diagnosis or treatment proposed by the doctor you saw first. 


Transportation Services

In case of a planned Hospital admission or if the insured has a medical appointment in the USA, transportation will be coordinated from/to the airport, accommodation and medical centers prior to arrival. 

En caso de ingreso planificado a un centro hospitalario o si el asegurado tiene citas médicas en los Estados Unidos, se coordinará el traslado desde/hasta el aeropuerto, el lugar de alojamiento y los centros hospitalarios o consultorios médicos de atención de manera anticipada.