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Seguro Internacional | Full

Global Care 10000

Deductible: 10.000 USD and Max. Coverage: 5.000.000 USD/Year


US$ 147 . 00


Best Doctors with this plan gives you access to the best doctors and hospitals in the world through the Best Doctors network, providing coverage for hospitalization, outpatient services, maternity and repatriation. Insurance presents a deductible USD 10,000 .*Has worldwide coverage

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What you should consider

What does insure?

This international health insurance is designed to cover your hospital, outpatient and/or high-cost medical expenses, at any time and in any place, obtaining premium coverage in the best clinics in the world. In addition, it acts as a complement to your local health insurance.

Stay Restrictions and Others

The insurance is renewable for life, and eligibility extends up to 74 years.

Where is there coverage?

United States: "https://internationalhealth.com/comparar/seguros-de-salud/cl278/clinicas Global Red Care Rest of the world: Free choice

Where is there coverage?

Estados Unidos: Rede Global Care
Resto do mundo: Livre Escolha

Pre-existing Conditions

This health insurance covers some diseases diagnosed before the start of coverage of the international policy. See with us to evaluate your particular case.