Logo Best Doctors

Seguro Internacional | Full

Medical Care 10000

Deductible: 10.000 USD and Max. Coverage: 3.000.000 USD/Year


US$ 83 . 00


Best Doctors offers you a complete package of benefits, with freedom to choose exclusive hospitals and doctors, with a deductible of USD 10,000 .
*Has worldwide coverage

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What you should consider

What does insure?

This international health insurance is designed to cover your hospital, outpatient and/or high-cost medical expenses, at any time and in any place, obtaining premium coverage in the best clinics in the world. In addition, it acts as a complement to your local health insurance.

Stay Restrictions and Others

The insurance is renewable for life, and eligibility extends up to 74 years.

Where is there coverage?

United States: "https://internationalhealth.com/comparar/seguros-de-salud/cl270/clinicas Red Medical Care Rest of the world: Free choice

Where is there coverage?

Estados Unidos: Rede Medical Care
Resto do mundo: Livre escolha

Pre-existing Conditions

This health insurance covers some diseases diagnosed before the start of coverage of the international policy. See with us to evaluate your particular case.