CUSTOMER GUIDE Everything you need to know about your plan Cigna Global Health Options
CONTENTS Call Us International:+44 (0) 1475 788 182 USA:800 835 7677(toll free) Hong Kong:2297 5210(toll free) Singapore:800 186 5047(toll free) WANT TO GET IN TOUCH? Alternatively,youcan emailusat:[email protected] Use your Customer Area ›Live chat withus ›Messageus ›Arrange a callback 04Welcome to Cigna Global Overview of Services 05OurWhole Health Services 06OurCustomer Care 07OurGlobal Expertise Our Health Services 08Clinical Case Management 09Cigna WellbeingTMApp Practical Information 10YourGuide to Getting Treatment 12How to Submit Claims 13YourOnline Customer Area 14How Deductible and Cost Share work List of Benefits 16International Medical Insurance 24International Outpatient 29International Evacuation & Crisis Assistance PlusTM 34International Health & Wellbeing 36International Vision & Dental Ifyouhave any questions aboutyourpolicy, need to get approval fortreatment, or for any other reason, please contactourCustomer Care team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
4| We putYOUat the centre of everything we do. W e p u t P E O P L E F I R S T W e a r e y o u r W H O L EHEA L T H P A R T N E R W e h a v e G L O B A L E X P E R T I S E WELCOME TO CIGNA GLOBAL Please read this Customer Guide, along withyour Policy Rulesandyour Certificate of Insuranceas they all form part ofyourcontract betweenyouandusfor thisperiod of cover. Ifyour policyis insured by Cigna Worldwide General Insurance Company Limited or Cigna Europe Insurance Company S.A.-N.V. Singapore Branch,yourapplicationalso forms part ofyourcontract betweenyouandus. Youhave chosen a plan to meetyourunique needs so asyoulook throughyourCustomer Guide and discover the full extent of the coverweprovide, please remember to take a look atyour Certificate of Insuranceto remindyourself exactly what optional benefitsyoumay have chosen to add toyourcore cover – International Medical Insurance. Youmay see some terms that are initalics. These terms are clearly defined inyour Policy Rulesso as to avoid any confusion. In the meantime,wehopeyouenjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowingyouandyourfamily have quick access to the medicaltreatment youneed, whenever and whereveryouneed it. OUR MISSION Thankyoufor choosing aCignaGlobal Health Options plan to protectyouand yourfamily.Ourmission is to help improveyourhealth, wellbeing and peace of mind – and everythingwedo is designed to achieve this. WHAT WE DO AtCignaGlobalwespecialise in supportingyouandyourfamily on yourglobal journey as a wellbeing partner enablingyouaccess to top medical care.Weare experts with dedicated knowledge and capabilities to supportyou, andwewill offeryouexceptional customer service by putting people at the heart of what wedo.|5 OUR WHOLE HEALTH SERVICES Youhave access toourClinical Case Management programme that is carried out byourdedicated team of doctors and nurses. They will provide support ifyouare diagnosed with seriousor complex health conditions to bringyouthe full medical supportyoudeserve. OurClinical Case Management programme can be accessed by contactingourCustomer Care team. Access our Clinical Team TheCignaWellbeingTMApp givesyoueasy access to a suite of healthcare tools. Ourinteractive app enablesyouto: ›Access Global Telehealth:Video and phone consultations withmedical practitioners and specialists; ›Manage health:Health risk assessments and chronic condition management; ›Change behaviour:Track biometrics and access online coaching programmes and a health library. Further details on the WellbeingTMApp can be found on page 9 of this Customer Guide. Access our WellbeingTMAppYoucan download the App for free via Google Play and the Apple Store. Get started today: ›Search “Cigna Wellbeing” inyour App Store ›Download the App ›Select “Global Individual Plan (policyholder)” ›Log-in withyour Customer Area credentials. The programme can supportyouthrough: ›coordinatingyourhealthcare andtreatmentplan; ›accessing global medical experts for advice and support; ›providing second medical opinions or medical reports if required. Further details onourClinical Case Management programme can be found on page 8 of this Customer Guide. WeareyourWHOLE HEALTH PARTNERand we’re here to supportyouthroughoutyourwellbeing journey. Offered as part of the International Health and Wellbeing optional module only. This service offers confidential assistance with any work, life, personal or family issue that matters toyou through counselling, telephone support and online programmes. Life Management Assistance Programme Youwill have access to: ›Telephonic, face-to-face, or video short-term counselling; ›Mindfulness coaching sessions; ›An online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) programme; ›Career support with life coaching sessions and assistance for people managers; ›Information about local resources and referrals. Further details can be found on page 34 of this Customer Guide. Available ifyou have selected the International Health and Wellbeing optional module. Ifyou would like to use this service, please callusandwewill transferyoutoour service provider.
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